Welcome to our school's commitment to enhancing school attendance. Regular attendance is pivotal for your child's educational and personal growth. Every school day at Glenroy West Primary School is a step towards excellence and responsibility.
Bright Minds Attend On Time
Remember, at Glenroy West Primary School, each day starts at 9am with opportunities for learning, growth, and achievement. Let’s work together to make every school day count for your child's future.
Why Attendance Matters
Every day counts in education. Absences can disrupt learning and social development. We urge all students to attend daily unless unavoidable circumstances arise.
Supporting Regular Attendance
Our staff are here to support your child’s regular attendance. We understand challenges may arise and offer solutions to help.
Notifying Absences
Under the Education Training and Reform Act 2006, school attendance is compulsory. Please ensure your child is at school every day it's open and inform us promptly of any absences.
Parental Responsibilities
As parents or guardians, it's your responsibility to ensure your child attends school regularly and to notify us of any absences using the provided contact methods.
Following Up Absences
If your child has unexplained absences, we will contact you for clarification. Persistent unexplained absences will be addressed as per our school policies.
Reasons for Absences
While illness or approved family holidays are acceptable reasons for missing school, absences for reasons such as shopping or birthdays are not suitable. We aim to maximise every learning opportunity.
Further Information
For more on attendance policies, visit the Department of Education and Training - Student Attendance.
© Copyright 2023 Glenroy West Primary School