At Glenroy West Primary School, students from Prep to Year 6 engage in Integrated Studies units that align with the Health, Humanities, and Technologies components of the Victorian Curriculum. These units are designed to deepen students’ understanding of themselves, others, and the world around them through meaningful and engaging learning experiences.
Hands-On Learning Experiences
To enrich their learning, students participate in a range of incursions and excursions tailored to the Integrated Studies units. These experiences connect classroom learning to the real world, helping students apply their knowledge and skills in authentic contexts.
Developing Skills for the Future
Our Integrated Studies program supports Glenroy West’s mission to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and character traits they need to thrive. Students develop as:
Purposeful Planning and Assessment
Teachers plan Integrated Studies units using Jay McTighe’s Understanding by Design framework, which emphasises deep learning and understanding over simple recall. This approach ensures that every unit is carefully designed, assessed, and delivered to maximise student engagement and learning.
Key features of this planning approach include:
Our Integrated Studies units follow a two-year scope and sequence, ensuring alignment with the Victorian Curriculum and providing a cohesive and comprehensive learning journey.
At Glenroy West, Integrated Studies fosters curiosity, encourages exploration, and prepares students to make meaningful contributions to their world.
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